

TITLE: New Pterodontinae (Creodonta: Hyaenodontidae) from the late Eocene-early Oligocene Jebel Qatrani Formation, Fayum Province, Egypt
AUTHOR: Patricia A. Holroyd
JOURNAL: PaleoBios
KEYWORDS: Eocene, Oligocene, Egypt, Jebel Qatrani Formation, Creodonta, Hyaenodontidae, Pterodon, Akhnatenavus, Metapterodon
NOTES: 19(2)
ABSTRACT: Reanalysis of existing pterodontine creodont collections and study of new finds from the late Eocene to early Oligocene Jebel Qatrani Formation, Fayum Province, Egypt, reveals greater diversity than previously recognized and provides the first opportunity in nearly 80 years to revise these taxa. All the taxa previously considered members of the subfamily Hyaenodontinae are formally recognized as belonging to the subfamily Pterodontinae. The genus Pterodon is revised and restricted to one European and three African species, one new. A new genus is erected to accommodate material previously referred to A. leptognathus. The genus Hyaenodon is no longer recognized in the Fayum sequence. Material previously referred to that genus is transferred to Metapterodon, and two new species are described. The presence of an additional, diminutive pterodontine and at least three medium- to large sized taxa are noted from fragmentary material.
COLLECTION: PaleoBios Archive Public
ID: 141


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