evolved as a means of escape from her- bivory. Others argue that it is the differ- ences in developmental phenology. result- ing from trade-offs associated with male versus female fiinction, that cause plants to be differentially susceptible and/or re- sponsive to herbivory. Too little work is available to discriminate between these alternatives. Studying the effects of her- bivory in male versus female morphs of facultatively sex-changing species may prove useful in this regard. Whatever the case, differences in the developmental phenology appear crucial for determining plants' overall responses to herbivory (overcompensation, compen- sation, undercompensation), as well as the likelihood of and pattern of response to sex-biased herbivory in dioecious plant species. Study of the evolution, mainten- ance and importance of patterns of devel- opmental phenology in plants is proving to be an exciting and productive area of re- search, one which may give rise to predic- tive theories in areas formerly resistant to generalization. Already, these studies are yielding important insights into the limits of plant plasticity as an adaptive strategy and the importance of developmental con- straints in regulating plants' responses to their environments. Acknowledgements The manuscript has benefitted from the comments of Brenda Casper, Monica Ceber. Timothy Criffith, Katherine Preston and Jason Price. The development of this manuscript was funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation. Maxine A. Watson Dept of Biology, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA The Keystone cops meet in Hilo eystone species', a term coined by `K Painel more than 25 years ago, has proven a powerful metaphor for the inves- tigation of forces that organize ecological communities. Increasingly, the concept influences the thinking of managers and policy makers who must set priorities in their efforts to conserve species and habi- tats. The meaning of the term, however, has been blurred by overly expansive usage and for this reason, its application poses real dangers of misuse in decision makingz. On the other hand, the term is too char- ismatic, too entrenched and too useful to be abandoned. Based on these concerns, Hal Mooney (Stanford University, CA, USA) and Jane Lubchenco (Oregon State University, Corvallis, USA) organized a workshop on the Keystone Species Con- cept on December 8-1 1,1994 in rainy Hilo, Hawaii, USA, as part of the Global Bie diversity Assessment (GBA) sponsored by the United Nations Environmental Pro- gramme (UNEP). At the heart of the work- shop was a belief that conservationists and managers have too few ecological tools to predict and prevent loss of bio- diversity and ecosystem function, and that a refined keystone concept would be an Important addition. The workshop had two goals: to seek consensus on a defi- nition of keystone, and to explore whether potential keystone species could be ident- ified Q priori (before experimental confir- mation, or their loss due to local extlnc- tion) by any distinguishing traits. The CBA team - Mooney, Lubchenco, Tony Janetos (NASA, Washington, DC, USA), Osvaldo Sala (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argen- tina), Hall Cushman (Sonoma State Univer- sity, CA, USA) and Rodolfo Dirzo (UNAM, Mexico) - met with nine ecologists who have investigated keystone species to ad- dress these and other questions about key- stone species. What are keystones, how can they be identified? How many systems have them? How vulnerable are they to human impacts? What ecosystem functions and services would disappear if they were lost? Mooney and Lubchenco launched the workshop, challenging the group to achieve consensus on a definition that fol- lowed either historical (Paine's original usage) or functional criteria (can we arrive at an expanded definition that remains clear and heuristic?) The need is immedi- ate. According to Janetos, the Science and Technology Panel of the World Bank (a group that makes decisions about funding projects with impacts on biodiversity) has found no body of comprehensive state ments in which ecologists express any consensus on such issues In short, ecologists need to make their science more useful for conservation and biodiveriity practitioners. With this man- date, the nine workshop participants In- itiated discussion with brief synopses of their previous and current views on key- stones. Bob Paine (Universlty of Wash- ington, Seattle, USA) began by reviewing his original definition. `Keystone' in Painel originally referred to a species that pref- erentially consumed and held in check References 1 Belsky, A.J. (1986) Am. Not 127.870-892 2 Palge, K.N. (1994) Am. Not. 143,739-749 3 Malhews, J.N.A. (1994) Am. Nut. 144,528-533 4 Trumble. J.T.. Kolodny-Hlrsch, D.M. and Ting, I.P. (1993)Annu. Reu. hfomd. 38,93-119 5 Watson, M.A. (1990) In Clonal CIocurn in planis: Regulation and Function (van Crmendael, 1. and de Kroon, H., eds), pp. 43-55, SPB Academic 6 Boecklen. W.J., Price. P.W. and Mopper. S. 7 Boecklen. W.J. and Hoffman, M.T. (1993) Oecologia 96.49-55 8 Boecklen, W.J., Mopper, S. and Price, P.W. (1994) Oikos 71,267-272 10 Cox, PA (1981) Am. Nut. 117,295-307 11 Lovett Doust, L and Lovett bust. 1. (1987) (1990) €CO/W 71,581-588 9 JL~& S.W. and colw. P.D. (1990) olpassa, 369-377 €co/~ 68,2056-2058 12 Delph, LF. (1990) €CO/OS~ 71,1342-1351 Bot. 80,607-615 13 Delph, LF., Lu. Y. and Jape. LD. (1993) Am. J. 14 Mutlkalnen, P.. Walls, M. and Ojala. h Oikos (In press) another species that would otherwise dominate the system. This suppressed target species could be a competitive domi- nant (e.g. the mussels suppressed by a starfish in Paine's rocky intertidal system) or coupled to a trophic cascade (e.g. sea urchins, suppressed by sea otters3). The interaction had to be of sufficient strength to mediate observable indirect effects in the community. Traits suggesting a poten- tial keystone role for a consumer were pref- erence for prey of high competitive ability, and the ability to control this prey at all sizes (so the prey had no escape in size). David Tilman (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA) defined keystone in terms of the effect of a change in one species on some characteristic of its com- munity or ecosystem, such as species richness, productivity or nutrient avail- ability. He stressed that the measure should reflect per capita or per unit bio- mass effects of the species, and the total, not the partial, derivative of the change in the community, characteristic with change in the species, because the total deriv- ative reflects indirect as well as direct ef- fects. The change should be measured after all Important feedbacks have had time to occur. These feedbacks may be more rapid in aquatic systems, but can take longer in terrestrial systems such as the deserts in which Jim Brown and col- leagues found more unexpected results as the experiment aged`. Tilman also argued that the term keystone should not be re- stricted to animals or a particular trophic level, although consumers at hlgher fro- phic levels would, a priori, seem more likely to have larger per capita effects than plants, which commonly have larger bio- mass. 182 cb 1995. Elsevier Sclence Ltd 01645347/95/S09.50 TREE ool. IO. no. 5 May 1995 Jim Estes (University of California, Santa Cruz, USA) drew upon his classic studies of sea otters and their role in tro- phic cascades that can completely alter the structure of subtidal and even adjac- ent Intertidal communities. These studies have led to three questions of broad rel- evance to other systems containing key- stones: (1) How general are the direct and indirect interactions? (2) What is the breadth of effects on other members of the community? (3) What are the evolution- ary consequences? Since the vast majority of systems in nature either have not been or cannot be studied in comparable detail, it is important to evaluate whether or not keystone species and interactions can be predicted a priori based on some aspect of the predator, prey or ecosystem. In the sea otter-kelp forest system, the keystone predator is much larger and more mobile than its primary prey. Estes argued for in- creased use of 'natural experiments' and 'adaptive management' in evaluating the potential importance of other large, mobile consumers. His comparative surveys of otter-urchin interactions throughout the northeast Pacific have shown that prey properties (e.g. whether urchins graze at- tached or drift kelp) can also influence the strength of these interactions and the breadth of the cascading effects that they generat e. The theme of prey influence on key- stones was continued by Juan Carlos Castilla (Pontificia Universidad Cat6lica de Chile, Santiago, Chile), who reviewed his studies of the keystone carnivorous gas- tropod, Concholepas, on the rocky shores of Chile. In his studies, the snail's keystone status depended on whether its prey could be both eaten and bulldozed off the sub strate. Mussels and barnacles were sus- ceptible, hence Concholepas plays a key- stone role where these prey are domi- nants. Other intertidal communities are dominated by a tunicate, which cannot be bulldozed, and In these, the snail Is not a keystone. Castilla also reviewed results from studies of Homo sapiens, which feeds heady on Concholepas, with consequences that tipple through the intertidal food web. . Mary Power (University of California, Berkeley, USA) emphasized that keystones have been distinguished from other types of strong interactors by having effects that are much greater than would be expected from their relative abundance. She also pointed out that the original metaphor has had a second useful connotation: keystone specles, If experimentally perturbed, can be keys to understanding the forces that organize communities. Although it would be useful to discover traits that identify keystones apriori, she was skeptical that a 'field guide to strong interactors', as Steve Carpenter @en. commun.) has called it, could be compiled until we have a better understanding of the context dependen- cies of interaction strength. She illustrated this point by reviewing her studies in northern California rivers, in which the keystone role of fish as top predators de- pends on whether or not scouring floods have occurred. Bruce Menge (Oregon State University, Corvallis, USA) supported the argument that keystone species are context depen- dent, citing a variety of studies from mar- ine habitats including his own recent work. He further noted that detecting keystone species can be difficult, particularly when several similar species are candidates for potentially controlling a system. Remov- ing a single suspected keystone from a multispecies group of consumers could lead to no change in the community for one of three reasons: (1) the removed species had no impact; (2) control was imposed not by a single species but by the entire group, the remaining members of which compensated for the absent species; or (3) none of the consumers had an effect. To distinguish among these, Menge advo- cated, where feasible and appropriate, a combination of experiments that would estimate both the collective trophic impact of all consumers, and the isolated impacts of single species (or individual trophic groups). As yet, no species or system traits reliably distinguish keystones from non- keystones. Examples froni a wide variety of habitats are available, however, which could be mined for comparative guidelines in efforts to identify the most likely strong interactors in unstudied systems or sys- tems being considered for management. Scott Mills (University of Idaho, Moscow, USA) raised the question of whether keystone characteristics are di- chotomous (some species are keystones, the rest are wimps), or whether the ef- fects of species on their Communities were in fact more continuously distributed. Presumably, a community with keystone species would have 'community import- ance' or interaction strength values dis- tributed very differently from communities that are traditionally modeled. He warned of the dangers of the lackof an operational, repeatable criterion for designating key- stone status if this term is to be used by decision makers. He stressed, however, that the keystone phenomenon is real and the need for application is great, so that I/ Proportional biomass of species Fig. l. Total (collective) impact of species versus its proportmd abundance. A point representing a species whose total impact is proportional to its abundance would fall along Ute diagonal line x= y. Keystones have effects that exceed their proportional abundances by some large factor. They also have a total effect whose magnitude exceeds some absolute threshold. Therefore, although a rhinovirus that made wildebeests sneeze (V,) might have a total effect that far exceeded that expected from its very low biomass, it would not be a keystone if the total effect fell below the threshold. On the other hand, a distemper virus (V,) that killed lions or wild dogs might have a collective effect of sufficient magnitude for keystone designation. Pisaster (P), sea otters (0). the predatory snail Concholepas (C) and freshwater bass (B) have disproportionately large impacts on their communities. Trees (T), giant kelp (K). prairie grasses (G) and reef-building corals (C,), which dominate community biomass, have total impacts that are large, but not disproportionate to their biomass. Quantitative values that should be prescribed for thresholds of absolute total collective impact (vertical position) and factors by which keystone effects should exceed a species' proportional abundance (distance left of the line x= y required for keystone status) may vary with the community trait (e.g. species richness, biomass of other species or guilds. primary prwiuctivity. nutrient ol soil retention, albedo) under consideration. In addition, interaction strengths. and therefore status as key stones or dominants. may change for given species under different environmental circumstances. Impacts of succession, changes in productivity. Or deletions of other species on the status of a species could be represented by families of points representing the same species in different contexts. NEWS & COMMENT steps towards a clearer operational defi- nition would be welcome. Gretchen Daily (University of California, Berkeley, USA) described how determin- ing the consequences of a species deletion requires overcoming some of the greatest challenges in ecology: starting with a flash of naturalists' intuition; bridging across spatial scales to detect the influence of individual behavior on characteristics of communities and ecosystems; working over potentially formidable timescales and with a daunting diversity of taxa: and all the while persevering with knowledge that similar consequences may not manifest themselves in seemingly similar systems. She argued that, nonetheless, it is impera- tive to incorporate the potentially dra- matic role of subtle, indirect species inter- actions when depicting communities in conservation and management models. This point was emphasized by William Bond (University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa), who decried the lack of contribution by ecologists of protocols that would allow conservation priorities to be set on the basis of interactions. Key- stone, he pointed out, was the only single name widely associated with interactions that can conform to database formats (`species i is a keystone, and it's here'). A keystone can be pragmatically defined as a species whose loss from or addition to a system would change community com- position, structure or function enough to arouse concern. Keystones are best dem- onstrated by experiments, which, unfortu- nately, are slow, particularly in terrestrial systems. Consequently, we do not yet know whether deletions of possible keystone mutualists (pollinators, seed dispersers) would in fact alter population dynamics to produce large effects on the rest of their communities. In general, we lack and need a protocol for evaluating probable key- stone interactions for biodiversity conser- vation, so that we can flag those species involved and the species or key processes that would be vulnerable to their loss. During the subsequent days, the group hammered out a verbal, and a potentially operational, definition of keystone. The verbal definition, which expands the orig- inal definition to include interactions other than trophic ones, was: `A keystone species is a species whose impacts on its community or ecosystem are large, and much larger than would be expected from its abundance '. This verbal definition distinguishes keystones from other strong interactors whose effects are due to their dominance of ecosystem biomass. The potentially operational defi- nition takes a step towards quantifying `large, and larger than expected' by lor- mally defining the community importance of a species, deriving from this species' total (collective) impact, and relating this impact to its proportional biomass in the community (Fig. 1). This definition dis- tinguishes keystones from dominants and other species. Its potential for examining the context dependence of species inter- action strengths and keystone status (for example, how these change with the gain or loss of other members of interaction webs, or over the course of succession) Behavioural brain research in natural and semi-natural settings will be explored in a paper by this group in preparation for BioScience. By developing a more operational defi- nition, the workshop participants hope to refocus the term keystone for ecologi- cal research, and to make it more useful for policy makers concerned with pre- serving biodiversity. All agreed that it was premature to prescribe `magic numbers' (specified quantitative thresholds above which species would be designated as keystones). Nevertheless, there was grow- ing excitement over research questions that emerged or were clarified during dis- cussion, and a general optimism that the keystone concept was evolving towards a form that could take an important place in the conservation biologist's tool box. Acknowledgements We thank Adrian Sun for help in preparing Fig. 1. Mary E. Power Dept of Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA L. Scott Mills Depf of Fish and Wildlifr, tJnioeni& of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83844, USA References 1 Paine, R.T. (1969)Am. Nat. 100,91-93 2 Mills. L.S. et ol. (1993) BioScience 43,219-224 3 Estes, J.A. and Palmisano, J.F. (1974) Science 4 Brown, H.H. and Heske, E.J. (1990) Science 250, 185, 1058-1060 1705-1 707 (3) the limit and complementarity of labor& tory and field approaches, and (4) the func- tions of the hippocampus. Neuroanatomy methods were taught by specialists with the aim of helping researchers to do in one week what might take a year in the absence of supervision. Behavioural tech- niques were demonstrated, from homing -. ' * ---.:&l. -nmhi.tipatpd