Oecologa (Berlin) (1983) 60:328-332 ____ OewIogia < Springer-Verlag 198.7 Algae-grazing minnows (Campostoma anomalum), piscivorous bass (Mcropterus spp.), and the distribution of attached algae in a small prairie-margin stream Mary E. Power and William J. Matthews Division of Environmental Studies University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA University of Oklahoma Biological Station Star Route B. Kingston, OK 73439. USA Summary. Campostoma anomalum is an algae-grazing min- now, abundant in many streams of the central and eastern United States. In a small stream in south-central Oklahoma. Carnposroma has a marked impact on standing crops of attached algae. Pools with schools of Campostoma are bar- ren, while pools in which Camposroma are apparently ex- cluded by bass (Microprerus salmoides or M. puncrularus) support large standing crops of filamentous green algae (predominantly Spirogj.ra sp. and Rhi:oclonium sp.). Cam- posromu grazed actively on algae-covered cobbles trans- ferred into their pools, and visibly reduced standing crops within one hour. After 24 h of exposure to Campostoma. standing crops of attached algae on cobbles were reduced from 22.0 to 6.3 mg ash-free dry weight an-'. When a largemouth bass was tethered in a pool with Campostoma, the minnows did not graze on algae-covered cobbles within 30-50 cm of the bass. but fed actively on cobbles that were more than 1.3 m away. These results indicate that interac- tions of Campostoma and their predators may be an impor- tant factor contributing to pool-to-pool variation in at- tached algae in small streams of the central and eastern United States. Introduction At low flow, Brier Creek, a prairie-margin stream in south- central Oklahoma, has two distinctly different types of pools. Some are barren, with bedrock and gravel substrates bare or thinly mantled with detritus. Other pools have luxuriant standing crops of filamentous green algae. This algae offers cover for a variety of fishes and invertebrates. For example, we observed snails (Physa sp.) on floating tops of attached green algal clumps, microhabitats which afforded them food as well as protection from predatory fishes. Barren pools contain schools of Campostoma anomalum (Rafinesque), a minnow that is widespread and abundant in streams throughout the central and eastern United States (Burr 1980; Pflieger 1975). Camposroma is almost complete- ly algivorous. with diatoms and filamentous algae compris- ing over 95% of the gut contents (Kraau 1923). These minnows are eaten by bass (Microprerus spp.) (Scale1 1977; Funk and Fleener 1974; Lennon and Parker 1960; Gunning Offprinr requests io: M.E. Power and Lewis 1956). Here, we present data suggesting that the interactions of bass and Campostoma have major im- pacts on standing crops of attached algae in a small stream during periods of low flow. and may thereby exert import direct and indirect effects on other stream biota. Study site Brier Creek. in Marshall County. Oklahoma USA (31"O'N. 97'2'W). is a clear stream which flows over limestone bed- rock and gravel. in a tree-lined channel cutting through pastureland. This stream has been described by Smith and Powell (1 970). Our research was conducted in a 1 km reach which includes fourteen pools and twelve riffles (Fig. l), and corresponds to Section 5 of Smith and Powell (1971). The study was carried out during November 1982. a period of low stream discharge (0.01 2 m3 sec- '). All pools in our study reach remained connected at this flow. This reach of Brier Creek has remained free-flowing throughout the year during all but one of the last twelve years (Smith and Powell 1970; Ross, Matthews and Echelle, in preparation). Minimum depths of thalwegs (the deepest part of the chan- nel cross-section) of rimes between pools are shown in Fig. 1. and listed in Table 1 along with other physical attri- butes of the reach. Field observn tions Methods We mapped the 1 km reach, measuring the maximum depth at five to ten positions in each pool and at two in each rime. On 8 November and 19 November. we performed censuses in all pools. 'One observer snorkelled slowly up- stream, spending 10-20min underwater in each pool. re- cording the species, numbers and approximate sizes of all fish encountered. A second observer on the bank watched during the census to count any fish that escaped detection by the underwater observer. Pool were narrow and clear. SO that few fish. even small individuals. escaped observa- tion. On only one occasion did the observer on the bank note a fish (a bass) that the underwater observer failed to see. We described algal standing crops in pools qualitatively and quantitatively in three ways. In all fourteen pools. u.e measured the height of benthic algae at sampling sites which were located at 1.0 or 0.5-m intervals along five cross- 329 +++ tmr 4 25 0 20 40 COntwr mlevols 25cm Oad IOOcm nlerrols dorkenea Fig. 1. Map, drawn to scale, of 1 km study reach in Brier Creek stream transects spaced evenly along each pool. We noted the predominant material at each site (usually Chara, fila- mentous green algae (predominantly Spirogyra and Rhizo- clonium), or loose deposits of detritus), and scored condi- tion of the algae from 0 to 5 (O=very senescent, 5=very fresh). In six pools, we collected samples by scraping 2cm2 areas of substrate with a scalpel and aspirating detached material underwater. Samples were collected in small plastic containers and refrigerated for 3-5 days. Subsequently, samples were shaken, and drops were collected for micro- scopic examination. Sample composition was quantified under 400 x , using a Whipple grid and the method of Jones (1968). Four fields were counted per sample, and 100 points (grid intersections) were examined per field. When the grid Table 1. Physical charactenstics of fourteen pools In a 1 km reach of Bner Creek. Marshall County. Oklahoma Pool R~me Length Max. Max. Length Minimum (m) width depth (m) thalweg (m) (m) depth (m) 100 49 49 39 57.6 59.1 58 88 22 21 74.9 43 6.4 120 8 8 6 8 6.5 7 9 6.5 5.5 4.5 10 9 2 9 1.50 0.70 0.45 1.25 0.50 1.25 1 .oo 0.60 0.80 0.50 0.60 0.75 0.45 1 .oo 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 s6 67 7-8 8-9 %lo 10-1 1 11-12 12-13 13-14 43 20 12.4 17.2 39 2 26 9 2b 29 11.3 15 5.3 0.12 0.05 0.06 0.05 0.06 0.03 0.05 0.06 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.12 0.07 ' Pool 1 is the most downstream (Fig. 1) Pools 9 and 10 are also separated by a 38 em high natural water- fall intersection touched an alga or an animal, it was scored. Mineral particles. detritus and empty space were not scored. The following eight categories suficed to describe all other material encounterd: full and empty diatoms. full and empty green algal filaments, full and empty blue-green al- gae, full unicellular green algae and animals. After examina- tion. material on slides was rinsed back into appropriate containers with distilled water, and the entire sample was filtered onto tared Whatmen No. 1 filter paper. dried 24 h at 70" C and combusted for 3-3.5 h at 510" C for determi- nation of ash-free dry weight. Results Distributions of Camposroma and large (> 70 mm SL) bass among pools showed significant complementarity (P -= 0.025 and P< 0.05 (Fisher's exact test) on 8 November and 19 November, respectively). Counts of Cumposroma in giv- en pools were similar on the two census dates (r2 = 0.91. P of Oklahoma De- partment of Zoology Visiting Faculty Prograrr: provided logistical and financial support for this research. 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